Big Cypress Chapter plans our annual programs and activities around the three objectives of the National Society Daughters of the American Revolution, promoting patriotism, preserving American history, and securing America’s future through better education for children.  Listed below are some of our outreach activities into the community.

*Participate in local Memorial Day, and Veterans Day events

*Recognize Vietnam War veterans as 50th Anniversary Commemorative partners with the Department of Defense

*Send comfort care packages to deployed active duty female soldiers

*Supply flags for veterans’ graves on Memorial Day

*Give financial donations to Bay Pines VA Medical Center

*Give support and donations to DAR schools, in impoverished areas in Alabama & North Carolina

*Honor JROTC students in 6 local high schools with medals and gifts

*Conduct American History Essay Contest in local schools for grades 5-8, with awards and recognition for the winners locally and submission to Florida State Society Daughters of the American Revolution

*Lend support to a state-wide initiative to give a copy of the U.S. Constitution to every student in grades 5 or 7 in Florida

*Award substantial scholarships to local graduating high school seniors

*Give financial support to local museums

*Supported the Hermione Project

*Support to the local Girl Scouts Council

*Provide classes on genealogy

*Attend naturalization ceremonies

*Participation in Naples 4th of July Parade

*Nominate local individuals for NSDAR awards in historic preservation and community service

*Provide guardians for Honor Flights and attend the “Welcome Home” at the airport

*Donate books to local and state libraries

*Given support to the Naples Botanical Gardens

*Support a local N.S.C.A.R. Society – for boys and girls